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Annual Report 2013
Our team is determined to stay the course in further
developing theGroup’s capability inboth the offshore
marine engineering and the ship building segments,
through greater R&D efforts to improve work
processes, and by maximising material utilisation,
reducing wastage, tightening inventories, increasing
productivity and keeping a tight rein on costs.
Going forward,we will recalibrate our capabilities and
resources to move up the value chain to offer more
sophisticated and higher value offshore products
and transport vessels with the view to secure better
returns for the Group.
While we continue to maintain our focus on growing
the shipyard segment, we will also be keeping a keen
eye on the volatile developments in dry bulk shipping
and their ramifications, to secure our interests in the
shipping segment.
During the year, there was an important change to
the Board. I would like to take this opportunity to
thank the outgoing Chairman, Mr Ma Ze Hua, who
relinquished responsibilities on 30 September 2013.
Mr Ma had helped to further lay the ground for the
Group’s future.
I am pleased to announce that the Board is proposing
a first and final dividend of one cent per share to be
approved at the upcoming Annual General Meeting.
On behalf of the Board of Directors, I would like to
record our deepest gratitude to our shareholders for
their patience and loyal support.
To all our Board of Directors, management and staff
I would like to express my sincere appreciation for
their continued dedication and contribution to the
Group in the year under review. I look forward to
more team work and greater support from them in
the challenging years ahead.
“Going forward, we will recalibrate our capabilities and resources
to move up the value chain to offer more sophisticated and
higher value offshore products and transport vessels with the
view to secure better returns for the Group.“
Key Messages