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Annual Report 2013
built for Sevan Drilling and is a testament to our ever-
improving execution capabilities. Other highlights
included the delivery of a jack-up barge “IB914”
and a transportation barge “IB924” to an Australian
At 31 December 2013, the Group’s total order book
stood at US$7.8 billion,with progressive deliveries up
to 2016. This order book is subject to revision from
any new or cancellation of orders that may arise. Of
this figure, about 80% comprises orders for offshore-
related projects and the remainder, for ship building.
New orders received during FY2013 include, among
others, one semi-submersible tender assist drilling
rig, one semi-submersible accommodation rig,
one LNG vessel, one float-over launch barge, one
stinger barge, one cargo and training ship, two
floating accommodation units, two salvage lifting
vessels, two module carriers, three semi-submersible
accommodation vessels, four jack-up drilling rigs,
five oil tankers, seven bulk carriers and 10 platform
supply vessels.
A landmark contract was the US$200 million deal to
construct a semi-submersible tender assist drilling
rig. This rig is a GustoMSC Ocean400 TD design
equipped to work alongside specialised deep-water
trussed spars, tension leg platforms, and compliant
towers outside of benign environments and is very
well suited to production drilling in shallow water due
to its ability to drill and mobilise quickly in adverse
When completed in June 2015, this rig will be one
of the largest and most modern semi-submersible
tender assist drilling rigs in the market with the largest
variable deck load (VDL) of 4,000 MT and the highest
air-gap of 10 metres. The Derrick Equipment Set (DES)
is designed to drill on platforms of over 120 feet and
is equipped with a quad-mast rated for a one million
pound hook-load.
In November 2013,we secured orders from a Bermuda
company to build two LeTourneau Super 116E jack-up
drillings rigs, scheduled for delivery in first half 2016
and second half 2016 respectively.
Operat i ons and F i nanc i a l Rev i ew