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COSCO Corporation (Singapore) Limited
In February 2013,Nantong Shipyard was awarded
the “Offshore Renewable Award”, a category
under the “Offshore Support Journal Award”,
for the Sea Installer, a wind turbine installation
vessel which it designed and built. Not losing
momentum, in September, Nantong Shipyard
was listed as a national, post-doctoral research
centre by the Ministry of Human Resources and
Social Security and the National Post-Doctoral
Management Committee.
For its research and development, Dalian
Shipyard received 11 national patents in July.
On the same trail of success, Shanghai Shipyard
secured an impressive 18 national patents the
following month.
Built by COSCO (Qidong) Shipyard, the ultra
deep-water cylindrical offshore drilling rig,
Sevan Louisiana, was successfully delivered to
its Norwegian owner, Sevan Drilling in October
2013. This, in fact, is part of the duly-called
“Sevan Series” of four rigs. We have developed
and delivered two in recent years; the Sevan
Louisiana is the third.
These state-of-the-art rigs had drilled in the
waters of Brazil for Petrobras, Brazil’s largest
and the world’s 7th biggest energy company.
Employing their capabilities, they were
instrumental in discovering large offshore oil
and gas fields.
Aside from the Sevan rigs, Zhoushan shipyard
has designed and built a 152,000 DWT shuttle
tanker for Knutsen OAS Shipping, a Norwegian
integrated shipping company. It functions as
a crude oil transporter at the oil platform and
port terminal in between the North Sea and
the Brazilian Sea. Meeting major oil companies
Petrobras and Statoil’s requirements, it has
centralised cargo control and ballast treatment
systems and a fatigue life of 25 years.
Over 2013, COSCO has also started design work
for two module carriers. The first for COSCO, its
double-deck is accessible and of an “all-pass” type.
It is fitted with sliding and lifting equipment for
moving and loading heavy cargo and dangerous
goods as well as to cater to offshore platform
supply demands. This ship is designed to operate
in winter conditions of up to -39 degrees Celsius
and meets 1A ice-class sailing requirements.
Other achievements include the development
of a cylindrical FPSO, an industry first for China
in the area of Engineering, Procurement and
Construction (EPC) vessels. This vessel has a
diameter of 78 metres and a depth of 32 metres.
We also designed a jack-up drilling platform lift
system for a 400 feet jack-up drilling platform.
Going into the new year, COSCO continues to
push forward. We will increase our R&D efforts,
invest in new technology and equipment, and
widen our skill base, especially in offshore marine
engineering, thus maintaining and sharpening our
edge further in the marine industry.
I ns i de COSCO and Corporate Ci t i zensh i p