COSCO SHIPPING International (Singapore) Co. Ltd. is committed to providing timely and transparent disclosures to enable the investment community to make reasonable assessments about our Group's performance.


Stock Information

COSCO SHIPPING International (Singapore) Co., Ltd. (“COSCO SHIPPING” or the “Company” and together with its subsidiaries, the “Group”) aims to become the best-integrated logistics service provider in South and Southeast Asia. The Company is also involved in dry bulk shipping, ship repair and marine engineering, as well as property management.

Insider Trades

Announce Date [Date of Effective Change] Buyer/ Seller Name [Type*] S/ W/ U ** Bought/ (Sold) ('000) Price ($) After Trade Note
No. of Shares ('000) *** % Held ***
ER KWONG WAH [DIR] S/U (650)  0.190 NA NA
Disposal of Securities via market transaction

Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 0 (Direct Interest); 0 (Deemed Interest)
As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.00000000 (Direct Interest); 0.00000000 (Deemed Interest)
The percentages for ordinary shares before and after the change are calculated based on the total issued and paid-up share capital of the Company of 2,239,244,954 ordinary shares.
LI XI BEI [DIR] R/O/W (500)  - NA NA
One-third of the share options granted on 3 July 2020 under the COSCO SHIPPING Group Executives Share Option Scheme 2020 lapsed due to vesting conditions not having been met.

Immediately after the transaction
No. of rights/options/warrants held: 1,000,000 share options
LI XI BEI [DIR] R/O/W 1,500  1.000 NA NA
Acceptance of employee share options/share awards

Immediately after the transaction
No. of rights/options/warrants held: 1,500,000 share options
No. of shares/units underlying the rights/options/warrants: 1,500,000 unissued ordinary shares
Acceptance of a grant of 1,500,000 share options to acquire up to 1,500,000 ordinary shares in the Listed Issuer at an exercise price of S$0.202 per share pursuant to the COSCO SHIPPING Group Executives Share Option Scheme 2020.
Restructuring of shareholdings of CHINA OCEAN SHIPPING (GROUP) COMPANY Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 0 (Direct Interest); 1194565488 (Deemed Interest) As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.00000000 (Direct Interest); 53.35000000 (Deemed Interest)
Wang Kai Yuen [DIR] S/U (416)  0.805 1,000 0.04
Disposal of Securities via market transaction Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 900000 (Direct Interest); 100000 (Deemed Interest) As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.04000000 (Direct Interest); 0.00400000 (Deemed Interest)
Dr Wang Kai Yuen is deemed to be interested in the shares held by his spouse, Mdm Mina Sze Ming Chan. The percentages are calculated based on 2,239,244,954 shares of the Company as at 23 May 2013.
Wang Kai Yuen [DIR] S/U (484)  0.815 1,416 0.06
Disposal of Securities via market transaction Immediately after the transaction
No. of ordinary voting shares/units held: 900000 (Direct Interest); 516000 (Deemed Interest) As a percentage of total no. of ordinary voting shares/units: 0.04000000 (Direct Interest); 0.02300000 (Deemed Interest)
Dr Wang Kai Yuen is deemed to be interested in the shares held by his spouse, Mdm Mina Sze Ming Chan. The percentages are calculated based on 2,239,244,954 shares of the Company as at 22 May 2013.
Temasek Holdings [SSH] S (574)  - 111,444 4.98
By virtue of a series of transactions by subsidiaries of DBS Group Holdings Limited ("DBSH"), the aggregate interest of DBSH and SembCorp Marine Ltd ("SCM") in ordinary shares in Cosco Corporation (Singapore) Limited ("Shares") decreased to 111,443,720 Shares (**4.978%) as at 2 September 2011. DBSH is an associated company of Temasek. SCM is a subsidiary of SembCorp Industries Limited which is an associated company of Temasek. Accordingly, Temasek has a deemed interest in the Shares held by the DBSH subsidiaries, SCM and its subsidiaries. Hence, Temasek's deemed interest in the Shares decreased to 111,443,720 Shares (**4.978%) comprising 43,720 Shares held by subsidiaries of DBSH and 111,400,000 Shares held by SCM and its subsidiaries as at 2 September 2011. Temasek became aware of the change in the percentage level of its interest in the Shares on 6 September 2011. (1) Represents Temasek's interest as at 28 April 2010 which was disclosed in the Notice of Substantial Shareholder's Interests dated 3 May 2010. (2) The percentage interest is calculated on the basis of 2,239,244,954 issued as at 31 August 2011.
Dong Ye Zong [DIR] S 300  2.120 300 0.01
1. The percentages are computed based on 2,239,244,954 shares issued as at 6 December 2010. 2.Mr Dong Ye Zong is a director of a subsidiary company of Cosco Shipyard Group Co., Ltd.
Temasek Holdings [SSH] S 120  1.710 112,018 5.00
Circumstance(s) giving rise to the interest or change in interest: On 28 April 2010, subsidiaries of DBS Group Holdings Ltd ("DBSH") purchased 120,000 shares of Cosco ("Shares") which, when combined with Shares already held by subsidiaries of DBSH and SembCorp Marine Ltd ("SCM") and its subsidiaries, increased their aggregate holding to 112,017,713 Shares representing approximately 5.0025% of the total issued Shares. DBSH is an associated company of Temasek. SCM is a subsidiary of SembCorp Industries Limited which is an associated company of Temasek. By virtue of section 7(4A) of the Companies Act, Temasek is deemed to have an interest in all Shares in which DBSH and SCM have an interest. Accordingly, as of 28 April 2010, Temasek has an interest in 112,017,713 Shares representing approximately 5.0025% of the total issued Shares being all the 111,400,000 Shares held by SCM and its subsidiaries and the 617,713 Shares held by subsidiaries of DBSH. Temasek became aware that it became a substantial shareholder of Cosco on 30 April 2010. The percentages computed are based on the issued share capital of 2,239,244,954 as at 25 March 2010.
Temasek Holdings [SSH] S (1,410)  - 111,864 5.00
By virtue of a series of transactions by subsidiaries of DBS Group Holdings Limited ("DBSH") which decreased their holdings to 463,713 ordinary shares of Cosco ("Shares"). DBSH is an associated company of Temasek. In addition, as of 16 April 2010, Sembcorp Marine Ltd ("SCM") and its subsidiaries held 111,400,000 Shares. SCM is a subsidiary of Sembcorp Industries Limited ("SCI") which is an associated company of Temasek. By virtue of section 7(4A) of the Companies Act, Temasek is deemed to have an interest in all Shares in which DBSH and SCI have an interest. Accordingly, as at 16 April 2010, Temasek had a total interest in 111,863,713 Shares representing 4.9956% of the total issued Shares being all of the 463,713 Shares held by subsidiaries of DBSH and 111,400,000 Shares held by SCM and its subsidiaries. Temasek became aware of the change in the percentage level of its interest on 20 April 2010. The percentages computed are based on the issued share capital of 2,239,244,954 shares as at 25 March 2010.
Lee Fook Choy [DIR] S 114  1.750 1,500 0.07
1. The percentages are computed based on 2,239,244,954 shares issued as at 16 April 2010. 2. Mr Lee Fook Choy is a director of a subsidiary, Cosco Marine Engineering (Singapore) Pte Ltd.
Lee Fook Choy [DIR] S 563  1.750 1,386 0.06
1. The percentages are computed based on 2,239,244,954 shares issued as at 15 April 2010. 2. Out of 563,000 shares purchased, 11,000 shares were purchased through Central Provident Fund account. 3. Mr Lee Fook Choy is a director of a subsidiary, Cosco Marine Engineering (Singapore) Pte Ltd.
Ni Tao [DIR] S 100  1.200 650 0.03
1. The percentages are computed based on 2,239,244,954 shares issued as at 12 March 2010. 2. Mr Ni Tao is a director of a subsidiary company, Cosco (Qidong) Offshore Co., Ltd.
Dong Ye Zong [DIR] S (420)  1.620 NA NA
1. The percentages are computed based on 2,239,244,954 shares issued as at 12 April 2010. 2. Mr Dong Ye Zong is a director of a subsidiary company of Cosco Shipyard Group Co., Ltd.
Temasek Holdings [SSH] S 1,400  1.457 113,274 5.06
The percentages computed are based on the issued share capital of 2,239,244,954 shares as at 25 March 2010.
Temasek Holdings [SSH] S (135)  - 111,874 5.00
The percentages computed are based on the issued share capital of 2,239,244,954 shares as at 25 March 2010.
Temasek Holdings [SSH] S 50  1.340 112,009 5.00
The percentages computed are based on the issued share capital of 2,239,244,954 shares as at 25 March 2010.
Temasek Holdings [SSH] S (13,320)  - 111,804 4.99
Circumstance(s) giving rise to the interest or change in interest: By virtue of:- 1. a series of transactions by subsidiaries of DBS Group Holdings Limited ("DBSH"). DBSH is an associated company of Temasek; 2. a series of transactions by Fullerton Fund Management Company Ltd. ("FFMC") for its discretionary investment clients. FFMC has since 9 December 2008 ceased to have any deemed interest in the shares. FFMC is a wholly owned subsidiary of Temasek; 3. a series of transactions by subsidiaries of Singapore Technologies Engineering Ltd ("ST Engg"). ST Engg has since 10 March 2008 ceased to have any deemed interest in the shares. ST Engg is a subsidiary of Temasek; and 4. a series of transactions by subsidiaries of Singapore Airlines Ltd ("SIA"). SIA has since 28 April 2008 ceased to have any deemed interest in the shares. SIA is a subsidiary of Temasek. As at 25 March 2010, Temasek therefore had a total interest in 111,803,713 shares representing 4.99% of the total issued shares comprising all of the: 1. 403,713 shares in which DBSH has a deemed interest; and 2. 111,400,000 shares in which Sembcorp Industries Ltd, an associated company of Temasek, has a deemed interest. Temasek became aware of the change in the percentage level of its interest on 29 March 2010. The percentage of shareholding before the change is computed based on the issued share capital of 2,236,904,954 shares as at 20 August 2007. The percentage of shareholding after the change is computed based on issued share capital of 2,239,244,954 shares as at 25 March 2010.
Wang Xingru [DIR] S 300  1.065 1,067 0.05
(i)The percentages are computed based on 2,239,244,954 shares issued as at 16 November 2009. (ii)150,000 shares at S$1.06 and 150,000 shares at S$1.07.
Wang Xingru [DIR] S 300  1.060 767 0.03
The percentages are computed based on 2,239,244,954 shares issued as at 11 November 2009.
* DIR - Director (include Directors of related companies)
SSH - Substantial Shareholder
COY - Company Share Buyback
TMRP - Trustee-Manager/Responsible Person
** S - Shares
W - Warrants
U - Units
R - Rights
*** Direct & Deemed Interests


  1. Only trades by directors, substantial shareholders and company share buy back are included in Insider Trades.

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