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COSCO Corporation (Singapore) Limited
Committed toensuring the safetyof all our employees
and stakeholders, COSCO has an established system
of safety regimes and protocols aimed at inculcating
a strong culture of safety in the workplace. All staff
have to undergo workplace safety training courses
specially designed to informand educate themabout
potential workplace dangers and the precautionary
measures to take. To ensure fundamental levels of
proficiency and understanding are in place, tests are
also conducted on a regular basis.
In June 2013, all employees and sub-contractor
workers across COSCOShipyardGroupparticipated in
a month-long safety campaign. Seminars,workshops,
exercises and large-scale drills were carried out at all
Besides the activities conducted during our Safety
Month in June, we also carry out regular safety
education and training around the year. Weekly
mandatory training sessions are held to discuss the
latest safety rules and regulations. Included in these
training sessions are live demonstrations of safety
measures as well as an assessment test to evaluate
participants’ competencies and proficiencies.
We have also implemented a grading system in the
safety management officers’ course, providing an
additional avenue for them to monitor and manage
the safety of their individual shipyards. COSCO also
appoints external parties to evaluate safety standards
amongst various departments in COSCO, and award
certifications in the areas of work environment
quality and workplace safety.
As COSCO owns one of the largest ship repair, ship
building and offshore marine engineering operations
in China, we are conscious of the environmental
impact of our work. To this end, we place strong
emphasis on environmental awareness and safety in
our business management.
Our Safety Committee, established since 2009,
conducts regular site visits to all our shipyards to
ensure that safety requirements are strictly adhered
to. We also implement action plans that will minimise
detrimental effectsaswell asprotect theenvironment.
All equipment and tools are duly checked and sent
for monthly maintenance while upgrades to facilities
and equipment are also carried out regularly.
We adopt a comprehensive approach in ensuring
the health of our workforce. Besides having a broad
spectrum of supporting operations which includes
on-site medical facilities at all shipyards, we also
conduct annual health checks and provide welfare
benefits such as medical insurance, hospitalisation
and dental benefits. A people-oriented company,
COSCO is steadfast in taking care of our people as
we believe that having healthy employees benefits a
company’s productivity and growth. Wewill continue
providing a safe and healthywork environment for all.
For 2014, we will keep at inculcating the COSCO
“safety first” frame of mind, highlighting workplace
safety improvements and maintaining our consistent
track record for safety. As new equipment is brought
into our yards, it is necessary to educate our workers
on the relevant usage techniques, safety procedures
and regulations through training sessions and
programmes. We will also be retaining our reward
scheme to cultivate workplace safety and deter
hazardous on-site activities.
Looking beyond safety in our shipyards, we will
continue with our on-ship safety regime for our bulk
carrier fleet, sending the crew for regular training
on the prevention of piracy, smuggling, pollution,
fire, collision, personal injury and typhoon disaster
Over the years, COSCO has maintained a good
track record for the provision of safety, security and
stability. Moving forward, we seek to boost our ship
tracking, monitoring and inspection operations,
and information exchange amongst all onshore
and offshore departments and crew on our vessels.
Through this, we will be able to attain deeper
understanding of operational procedures that will
reduce the risk of workplace accidents and allow for
greater operational efficiency.
I ns i de COSCO and Corporate Ci t i zensh i p