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Annual Report 2013
At COSCO, we hold an overarching aim to build a
socially responsible corporate culture that addresses
social, environmental and ethical concerns. Towards
that end, we have adopted industry best practices
throughout our organisation. Through such actions
we also use our standing as a leading enterprise to
influence standards on corporate social engagement
in today’s world. In the long term, such alignment
of business strategy and operations with socially
responsible values will generate sustainable benefits
for all our stakeholders, including shareholders,
business partners, employees, customers, suppliers,
communities as well as the environment.
COSCO forges strong and positive relationships,
reaching out to various needy groups within the
communities we serve in. We actively engage
in various charity events and activities, taking
on multiple roles to serve diverse local needs.
Promoting the spirit of volunteerism, we encourage
our employees to support worthy causes and to give
back to the community.
2013 marks our 7th consecutive year participating in
the Yellow Ribbon Project, underlining our support
and commitment to this programme. During the year,
we sponsored S$10,000 at its 10th Anniversary Gala
Dinner on 20 July 2013. The Yellow Ribbon Project is
set up to offer ex-offenders support and assistance in
employment and re-integration into society.
Another event COSCO sponsored in 2013 was the
Singapore Chinese Orchestra (SCO) Fundraising Gala
Dinner on 15 September 2013, where we contributed
S$15,000 for the development and funding of the
operating cost of the SCO.
At COSCO, we share a commitment to support and
engage our youth. Over the years, COSCO’s group
of companies in China has been actively involved in
campaigns that offer support on issues like education
and youth social welfare.
Into our third year, COSCO Zhoushan Shipyard’s
Youth League Committee has organised educational
programmes to support needy students in remote
areas, such as offering supplementary lessons as well as
other programmes to support their educational needs.
I ns i de COSCO and Corporate Ci t i zensh i p
Captain Wu Zi Heng receiving the token of appreciation for
sponsorship towards SCO Fundraising Gala Dinner and Concert
2013 from Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong.