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COSCO Corporation (Singapore) Limited
Apart from those, COSCO Zhoushan Shipyard is
active in other social activities. It specially organised
a ‘Parenting Day’ for its first line production workers.
On this special day, the workers brought their
kindergarten-age children to the shipyard. Parent
representatives shared stories on familial love while
the children took turns expressing their gratitude to
their parents, helping to deepen family bonds.
Over at COSCO Dalian Shipyard, workers visited the
elderly and physically challenged villagers in a visit
to Wafangdian City in Dalian. Throughout the year,
COSCO Shanghai Shipyard was also involved in
several Corporate Social Responsibility activities, such
as the yearly donation drive and a blood donation
COSCO Nantong Shipyard, for the third consecutive
year, has continued with its social campaign, the“Blue
Ocean Plan”; contributing and distributing books,
school bags, stationery and other study materials
for its employees’ children. This campaign seeks to
establish a long-term donation system to improve
literacy levels among needy children. Into its fifth
year running, the shipyard has been aiding the needy
through the Youth Civilization Group, offering love,
warmth and care through their campaigns.
On Mothers’ Day, the youth worker representatives of
COSCO Nantong Shipyard also visited the Old Folks’
Home with fresh fruits, flowers and food.
Besides local contributions, COSCO Corporation has
been donating to the COSCO Charity Foundation
– the first non-public foundation initiated by state-
owned enterprises. The foundation manages
COSCO’s charity works and social projects within
China for disaster relief, poverty aid, medical aid and
educational support. COSCO subsidiaries contribute
to the funding of this charity, and their unwavering
support through these years has facilitated the
foundation in reaching out to a wider social network
beyond its employees.
It is important that we exist in harmony with the
environment so as to create a sustainable society for
our future generations. COSCO remains steadfast
in this commitment, fulfilling our responsibility
as a corporate citizen through continuous efforts
in combining technological innovation with
environmentally sound business practices.
Towards this end, COSCO Shipyard achieved a new
milestone with its self-designed 81,000 DWT dual-
fuel bulk carrier receiving the AIP certification from
the Lloyd’s Register in the beginning of the year.
This environmentally-friendly carrier, a collaboration
between COSCO’s ship design centre, Golden
Union, the ship owner and Lloyd’s Register, is able
to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide (CO
) by 10%
to 20%, and nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide (NO
by 90%, fulfilling the emission standards required
by International Maritime Organisation (IMO) and
International Grains Council (IGC), as well as the
International Code for Ships using Gas or other
Low Flash-Point Fuels (IGF Code) and other related
regulatory standards.
Looking ahead, we will continue to operate on the
basis of environmentally-friendly technologies and
ensure minimal wastage through use of innovative
‘green’ design.
COSCO is dedicated to maintaining high standards of
Corporate Social Responsibility practices within our
Group.We actively participate in community projects,
environmental protection and charities, helping to
sustain the communities which have enabled us to
develop as a leading corporation. Going forward,
we will press on with our social involvement and
conduct our business operations in a way that does
not compromise the health, welfare and safety of
our employees, customers, communities and the
ecological system.
I ns i de COSCO and Corporate Ci t i zensh i p